
30 questions

1. What is media violence?
2. Does watching and playing American football make childerens more aggressive off field?
3. Are there more violent contents in childrens program than adult program?
4. What role should parents take in helping their children cope with or avoid media violence?
5. Should violence on shows directed at children be regulated by government?
6. Do video game and TV show media violence have different effect on children?
7. Are there kids who doesn't act violent even though they waatch violent contents?
8. Are the violence in Tom and Jerry appropriate for childrens to see?
9. Should the program makers consider making video games and shows without any violent content?
10.Which can have more negative impact? Media violences in Video games or TV shows?
11. Since when has media violence been around us?
12. What are some positive effects on childrens who view media violence often?
13. Which has more negative effects on childrens? Word violent of physical violent?
14. Should schools stop showing war documents and films for educational purpose because childrens have different levels of the violence they can take.
15. Are the aggressiveness of childrens different based on the type of musics they listen to?
16. How much media violences are there?
17. Is media violence more common these days compared to our parents childhood programs?

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Marin,

    You have some excellent questions here and I look forward to the results of your research on them.

    A few of the questions will need to be re-formulated in order to be useful:

    *Is Tom and Jerry necessary for children?
    *Is American football violent?

    No one will deny that American football is violent. It is one of the most violent sports on the planet. Many American kids get concussions each year and some become paralyzed from playing the game...despite all of the elaborate protective gear. How about a question like "Does American football make people more violent off of the football field?" You can probably think of a better one.

    Also, Tom and Jerry isn't "necessary" for children in that they don't need it in order to live. Try to formulate a question about it that deals with the excessive violence that's shown on it.
    Joseph D.

  2. These questions are very interesting!
    Since I used to watch Tom and Jerry, I am especially interested in the eighth question.
