
I have been researching about media violence.
Today I'd like to tell my opinion based on my research.

Media violence is the depiction of violence in media sources, such as video games, movies, music videos, books, cartoons, advertising and on the web. Violence is everywhere in media and it becoming harder to avoid.

Violence is everywhere in media and it is almost impossible to avoid. However, I do not think media violence would affect children negatively if parents teach their kids what is right or wrong. Children learn from what they see and what they are taught everyday. Therefore what parents teach to kids is really important for children's future sense of values.

Overall I do not think media violence would have negative impacts on children.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I am really interested in what media violence is.

  2. Please don't forget to type in a title for each of your blog entries, Manami. It sets up the reader's expectations for what the entry will be about. You give a good definition of media violence. You're starting off with a hypothesis that media violence won't have such a bad effect on children if their parents teach them the difference between right and wrong and how to cope with all of the depictions of violence that they see every day. So, ultimately, you think that media violence need not have a negative impact on children. I'm interested to see what evidence you'll be able to find to back up those hypotheses.

    One place that you can start looking is in psychological studies that investigate the effects of exposure to violent actions on the behavior of children through experiments. Studies by Albert Bandura are especially well known. I studied about them when I was a psychology major in college. You can see a summary of one of his studies at...
    http://www.holah.karoo.net/bandurastudy.htm .

    Joseph D.
